Luxury home buying in Northern Virginia

Luxury home buying in Northern Virginia

Many people ask what makes a person a “Luxury Home Buyer“. This can be categorized differently per agent. In this article we are going to talk about our experience with Luxury buyers and somethings we have learned.

The biggest desire of a Luxury Home Buyer is Lifestyle. If you take your time to really understand what your clients are passionate about, how they currently live, how they want to alter that lifestyle  whether to upsize, downsize or move to a new location. Each client has different needs, wants and desires.  These will also depend on the age group, life phase they are going through. You can find wealthy millenial have a different Not every Luxury home buyer is into High Tech.

Learn your clients’ passions and lifestyle goals and see if you can find a home that can support these.

Ask them about how you can fulfill every aspect of their lives…

Some prefer Comfort and low-maintenance vs the big mansions.

Tim and I work with clients on a personal level. Tim’s expertise in the local area and luxury market and my Feng Shui, Marketing and Coaching backgrounds help our clients with unique combination of services.   If you are ready to experience a unique way of buying a home that manifests and unfolds your new future – give Tim (703-447-2236) or me a call 703-408-4582.


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